Wow. I'm a rotten blogger! It's been awhile since I've even thought about writing a post. Rest assured - I have been busy.
My daytime job has had some major new programs rolled out. Change is difficult. Necessary, but confusing. My EXACT job is changing. Morphing in to other things. Maybe bigger & better. Maybe not. I don't want to dwell on what might be pessimistic or negative. So I'll leave this subject with this end. this post isn't about my daytime job - just musings about why I have been so absent lately. Also - it's weighed heavy on my mind and my heart that a very dear friend of mine, her husband died in October. It's been rough for her. and the whole situation really hits close to home.
I HAVE been sewing. Lot's of sewing actually. In September, at my quilt guild meeting, I had suggested the theme & name of the October 2017 Quilt Show that my guild puts on. Well the theme was well received, but I also , sort of volunteered to chair the show. Yah. I did that. The theme (or name) of the Quilt Show for 2017 ???? "The Shirt Off My Back" You know....quilts made from shirts. Cotton shirts, T-Shirts...etc. Leave it to me to suggest a theme for which I have NO QUILTS!
Making quilts from men's shirts is a LOT of work! I have bought all my shirts from Goodwill. Mostly on the 99 cent days. Or the 50% off color of the day. Some have been incredibly difficult to cut up, such nice quality. But for 99 cents, I didn't have too much heartburn. I bring them home, wash them in hot water. Dry them in a hot dryer. Then remove buttons & cuffs & collars. I have a nice collection of shirt buttons now! then I remove the seams.
I have officially completed ONE Rail Fence quilt from shirts & I am working on 2 more. I made a Teddy Bear from a shirt too. He's so cute.
I am not going to post photos of my shirt quilts, as I want what I make to be a SURPRISE next year at the show.
I know one thing is for sure..........I am SO GLAD that I don't have to make all my quilts from repurposed clothing. It's very, very VERY time consuming!
So.........Once I have these 3 quilts completed, I will resume my pile of unfinished projects.
4 days ago
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