Oh boy! How exciting for me!
NOT !!!
I have been having a great deal of pain in my right arm. Could not figure out what it is, or what I'd been doing. The pain wasn't there while sewing & not there while operating the long arm machine - but present when I am feeding fabric through the DSM. Not present when hand sewing....
Baffled me.
Hurts the most on Monday & worsened through the week, then got better over the weekend.
I have had this pain in my arm for 6 weeks, give or take a few weeks. WELL ! Last week, I started dropping stuff. No grip. Dropped dishes, boxes. Couldn't throw the ball for the big dogs - okay - I know I throw like a girl - but they really don't care if my aim is off....I couldn't lift anything above my shoulder.
So - I went to the doctor on Friday. Guess what? Tennis elbow. TENNIS ELBOW??? Come on - it had to be Junior High, the last time I played tennis. It's because I spend all day on a computer for a living.
Got this sweet little brace to wear.
If you have not guessed, I'm being super dooper sarcastic. Double doses of it. None of the pharmacies in Dickson County had one - I had to go to a medical supply in Nashville for it on Monday.
I have been wearing my Elbow Jewelery since yesterday at 9 AM. The pain is less. LESS - but still present. I WAS able to throw the ball - with my normal inaccuracy - for the big dogs. I wore it to bed, but I must have loosened it because it was around my wrist when I woke up.
The DR said I'd have to wear it until it got better. Got better or I have to see an orthopedic specialist. I hope it does not go that far.
They had them in black & white. I was hoping for RED or LIME green - but what the heck....it feels a little better than it has in a while - so black is just fine. It sure is noticible against my fair skin though!
First of all, black is slimming. You do not want a fat looking elbow. I am renaming your affliction "fabric feeding elbow."
You look good in black...I hope the "jewelry" works and it doesn't come down to a specialist
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