Our backyard is where we have spent so much money. It's un-real. And we're not done.
the photo of the yard actually tells you nothing, as I neglected to get a BEFORE photo. Prince Charming rented a bob-cat & cleared all the underbrush from the yard and then we bought grass seed & fertilizer & put all that out. What you are seeing is 3 weeks old & we have had torrential rains & freezing weather! There is more grass there than I thought would be.
You see the dog kennels on the left? We are putting up chain link fencing within the next 2 months. The front of the fence will be right at the front of those kennels & go ALL the way back to the back of the yard where you see that huge brush pile. All for the big dogs. I hate keeping them in those kennels. They will be very happy soon.!
Prince Charming, me & DD#2 made the planters THIS weekend. That little area between the patio walkway & the house was nothing but ugly red mud & kept washing, so we built those 2 little retaining walls & backfilled them with top soil. We will plant some sort of ground cover in them, soon as we can decide what type of ground cover......That plant is one that my gracious neighbor gave me. It's an Angel Thrumpet. you should see those when they are bloomiming! Then Prince Charming decided that we needed the semi round one to breakup all the angular corners of the patio. Didn't it come out nice?
I am proud of our work. (wish it hadn't cost so much....) but proud, none-the-less!
Lots of work and lots of money but you are right, it is worth it.
Your landscaping is looking very nice. When I saw your retaining walls - cute, by the way! - I thought about all the horrendous sloping building lots in this part of the state - places that make your lot look level. Been there, owed that! maybe if we all lived out by Memphis we could have a flat yard. Certainly not in eastern or central TN.
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