A fellow blogger asked me about my progress on my Ocean Waves Quilt. I can't say I'm making ONE, because , the truth is, before I am completely done with Ocean Waves Quilts, I will have made 4. Which is easy to say, when the FIRST one isn't done yet.
I have all the half square triangles finished to make 2. I plan on making one with a red background & one with a blue background.The "other 2" will be with muslin as the backgorund. The muslin was a request from DD#2.
When I picked back up this project earlier this week, I only intended on working on ONE. But when I STARTED the red & blue OWQ's, I made all the 1A blocks & just didn't see any reason not to finish making the 1B's. I have finished 70 1A blocks and there are 72 bock 1B's. That is the stack that you see next to the "instructions". Once I have the 1B blocks complete, that's as far as I will go with making them simultaneously because the side blocks & alternate blocks use the back ground fabric & I am not capable of switching back & forth (mentally) to work in 2 different colors.....
Yes, I am using Bonnie Hunter's directions.Though I have 2 other books with directions! I really don't remember WHEN I started these OWQ's - but the hard part is already done, don't you think? I mean I have ALL the half-square-triangles completed. Even ironed! In the previous post, that's what the big bin on the left of my chair has in it. nearly 4800 half-square-triangles. That is a LOT! I used "Triangle Paper" for the 1.5 inch FINISHED HST's, and each sheet gives me 48 squares. COOL !! I used 100 fat eigths of dark colors & the same of light.Anything "light" just has to be lighter than the "darks". You sew on the dotted line & cut on the solid line. Tear off the paper & iron. Maybe tearing off thepaper is one step I don't need, but they turn out perfect. Every single one of them.
Easy Peasy.
You have any clue how many 2-Pair hst's it takes to make 72 of the 1B blocks? 576, that's how many. It's power sewing at it's best. it's very mindless & I have to get up about evey 30 or 40 minutes & move around. I am getting bored, but I promised myslef that I would finish the 1B's before I started on the body of the first OWQ.
I am making the blue background first.
another reason I am making one first is that I like my quilts a little bigger than I think the pattern is written. Nearly King Size. If you saw th Star Struck Quilt I finished last week, you can see how far down it hangs on the sides of the bed, and it tucks in on the bottom. My OWQ's need to fit like that too. So> Though I am making the # of blocks required for 2, I am SURE I'll need more to make them as big as I want.I'll finish the first one & then make the additional blocks needed for #2.
Lot's of little teeny tiny HST's - it's a challenge, but I'm up for it!
What's this "Triangle Paper" your talking about what where can I get it. this looks to be off to a great start. I can wait to get everything I have been working on off the table so I can start something new.
It is manufactured by:
It comes in numerous sizes. I bought mine to match some of the patterns from Glad Creations. Glad Creations designs MANY quilt patterns that utilize "triangle paper". I like this paper much better than using "thangles", which I have used too. Same results, different technique.
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