Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Photo Test

let's see if I can upload or add a photo!

this is not MY log cabin quilt, but mine will look exactly like this one, because I am using the same fabrics! The fabric that I have to buy more of is the cream colored floral with what looks like water lillies on it. the "print" is purple, but up against those other browns - it looks more like brown than purple!

hope this test works



Powerstobe said...

Second try - Hey, looks "great" When are you going to get a web cam?

elaina said...

Sam-you are to smart for your own good!I was sorry to read about Chelsea being sick-I know how you felt -I love my "babies" just as much as you do-your log cabin quilts will be beautiful-
Stick to your log cabins-and away from my rag quilts!

Tee Hee!!!

The Rag Quilt Queen