My baby DOG has not been herself for about the last week. Exactly 9 days.
Loss of appetite, incontenence, and in the last 2 days passing out. I took her to the vet this morning. Moping around, in & out constantly.
And after extensive tests, she has Lyme Desease.
I never pulled the 1st tick off her this past summer!
She is on medication and I don't know how long it will be before she shows signs of feeling even a little better.
All y'all know how emotionally attached to this DOG that I am! I am a basket case right now & She won't have anything to do with me because of the indignities that I made her suffer through this morning.
I hope that she feels better soon. Like immediately. That's asking too much , I know....She's going on 11 years old. I know I won't have her forever, but I did think & still hope that I'll have her longer than just today. It's so hard to figure out what is wrong with a dog - they can't talk, and belive me, I listen. She probably wishes that I didn't I talk to her (or is it AT?) her all the time. Even Prince Charming asks me WHO I am talking too.......after all this time - you'd think he had it figured out? Maybe?
I have no idea why she parked herself between those 2 stacks of books. I pulled them all out yesterday because one of the shelves in that plastic cabinet collapsed & I have to get something to to stiffen the shelf to hold the weight of my notebooks & quilt/craft books. I probably need to get something set under them too....You can see them bowing under the weight of the books on the bottom shelf... under the doors! Hey! They said "heavy duty".....they are utility cabinets by Black & Decker from Lowe's - not built for books....I'll tell you that.
I hope my dog feels better soon. I hate seeing her in this condition. At the end of the day, I know, she's STILL a dog - but please send good thoughts her way. I'm really, really REALLY worried aobut her recovery. If there are any of my fellow blogers out there that can tell me anything about what a DOG with Lyme Desease can expect & what I should expect, I'd sure like to know. I've cried all morning.
thank you - if you know anything.........