Wow, it's been nearly a week since I have posted. I have been BUSY. BUSY, and more BUSY since this time last week.
I don't have pictures, because, silly me....I NEVER remember the camera.
Let's see. Where to begin?
How about Saturday? On Saturday QB1 & I went on a mini shop hop. She had printed out nearly all the shops within a 2 hour drive of us (we are west of Nashville). This was a day-trip we had planned 2 weeks before.
We started out stopping at a shop called Wooka's. They are a homebased business & I dented my cash the biggest there. I bought 2 separate pieces of prequilted fabric in a Bohemian type print because they had a little casserole carrier made up in it & they had a FREE pattern for it too. How can you pass up FREE? I also got a nice backing. Cream background & blue floral. No clue what it will be the backing for, but I got it anyway. I got some other yardage too, but can't remember directly off the top of my head...
Our next stop was going to be in Waverly, but we were closer to Clarksville & went there next. Stopped at Hobby Lobby - all I got there was a twin size batting for the baby quilt I needed to quilt. Twin was too big, but crib was too small....Next in Clarksville, we went to Hancock's. I didn't buy anything there at all. They had lots of nice stuff, just nothing I thought I wanted. They DID have a little rollie cart for toting your machine around, but I thought I could get one @ Joann's cheaper.
While we were @ Hancock's , we ran into another QB from the guild & it turns out it was a good thing we didn't go to the shop in Waverly because they are not open on Saturday's....Isn't THAT odd? Not open on Saturday? A fabric shop? Oh well. It was $$ I didn't spend.
THEN we went to Goddlettesville. Can't remember the shop name, but we stopped there & they are the NICEST people. Super nice. Fabric is $10 a yard, but they are nice. I picked out about 6 FQ's & go to check out & the lady says to me "IS this all you want?" I say YES & she says okay - but if you buy 20 FQ's they are only $1 a piece. She told me that when we came in , but I forgot! Of COURSE, I went & found more to equal 20. I didn't get anything else because I just could not bring myself to pay $10 per yard - and REALLY the ONLY fabric that QB1 & I were actually hunting was an appropriate green 30's print to use in our Pineaplle Patch Quilt for the vines & leaves - we never did find anything we liked.
Next stop in Goodlettesville was Joann's - they didn't have the rollie cart I wanted. All sold out. We bought batting - prepacked was 2 for 1 - and I bought crib bumper batting. QB1 had coupons, so we used the heck out of them. I remeber buying fabric, but I can't be sure if that was me or QB1...
That ended our shopping day & we went home - I got home about 4:30 & then my friend Kat came to visit from Alabama. She had a baby quilt that she needed quilted badly. That & she was buying a sewing machine from me.
Sunday - Kat & I quilted the baby quilt. It came out so sweet. I don't know how she can make so many that she GIVES away! I probably could have quilted it faster, but I ran my mouth way too much! It was nice to visit. I sure wish we lived closer together. kat is the canning queen & has a care package made up waiting on me. I think the only other canning queen I know would be QB1 ! If the 2 of them ever got together in a kitchen, everything would end up in JARS ! I love them both!
Monday I sewed a bit on my Pineapple Patch quilt (after I got home from work)
Tuesday was spent in a meeting for work in Franklin. I took advantage of being in Franklin when the meeting was done to go to Joann's - to find a rollie cart - they din't have one either!!!!!! Then went to Stitcher's Garden. I did find a green 30's print. I think it's dark enough. It was the ONLY one that was dark enough. I was glad that it wasn't the regular $8.99 per yard. (I'm telling you folks, shopping at Wittles & Wooka's will spoil you to shop anywhere else!) So i got 5 yards 7 split it in half for QB1 & me.
Also on Tuesday - the baby quilt that I was supposed to have made by Aug 18th got hyper-pushed to NOW - because Baby Jazzlynn made her appearance a whole month early....
Wednesay I came home & loaded the baby quilt onto the rails, quilted it, trimmed it , serged the edges, and sewed the binding on. Normally I hand sew the binding to the back/or front, but in the intrest of time, I machine sewed it down. I'll likely knock off $25 for that.
I am tired. Tired , Tired, And more Tired. But I'm not so tired that I can't go to QB1's house for our Thursday sit-n-sew tonight!!! Ha , Ha.
I have 2 quilts to quilt this weekend. Technically 3 - but one I am holding & one I am waiting on a special order pantograph. So I'll likely quilt KYRA's Log Cabin on Saturday night or Sunday afternoon. Raining Sunday's are a perfect quilting day.
By the way - the pantograph's that I ordered from Urban Elementz are SO nice. I can't wait for the MONTHLY surprise.
Back to pantograph's...QB1 suggested using the coated / wrapped hair bands instead of the standard / regualr rubber bands. The regular rubber bands break like every 2nd or 3rd time I take them of a panto....I originally thought that the hair bands would be too thick and would wrinkle the paper.... Turns out that they are perfect. I probably have 30 or 40 of them. Not now, I don't, they are all on my pantopraghs. The newer hair bands that don't have the little metal thingy on them work best. I'll have to buy more because right now, I only have 3 or 4 in the drawer.... Thanks QB1 !!!
That's enough for today.
Talk at y'all later. (Said with my BEST southern drawl, while batting my baby blues..and the beauty queen wave....We all know none of THAT comes naturally!!!)